Virtuemart Plugins

Downloadable Checkout

This extension contains a module and a plugin, it's used on virtuemart 2/3,  for downloadable products only. It's just the checkout process of this site. 

It only asks customers to input email address in the final checkout step, and the customer will receive the formal joomla user registration email.

How to use: 

1 Install the contained module and plugin and activate plugin.

2. Create a new article , named probably 'checkout'.

3. Create a new menu item, must name its alias as 'checkout', select the article of step #2 as the menu content.

4. In the installed module mod_downloadable_checkout config page, assign the module only to menu of step #3. 

5. you are done. 


If u can't configure the module position correctly, just write a new position like 'downloadableco' in the new module page, and input below in ur new created article for this module


# you might need to input position 'downloadableco' manually in module detail page



Validity : 1 Year
  • Created : May 21, 2017
  • Category: Virtuemart
  • Type : Single
  • Tags :
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